Swydo Enterprise

Improve insights and decision making with one comprehensive data visualization platform

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Trusted by 2,500+ companies in over 80 countries

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Customized, automated, scalable Enterprise reporting solution to boost productivity and effectiveness



Save time collecting data and generating reports

Increase efficiencies and productivity through automating your reporting processes, from data collection to report generation and distribution.

Schedule the generation and delivery of your reports and dashboards to any number of departments, individuals or clients through automated emails, posting to your company intranet or other channel.

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Improve insights by eliminating data silos

With Swydo’s pre-built integrations, connecting and pulling data from third party sources just takes a few clicks. More importantly, you have the ability to create your own custom integrations for a tailor-made reporting environment to span the informational needs of your entire organization.

Eliminate data silos and create your own reporting ecosystem to enhance your insights and decision making with a comprehensive look at your ROI.

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Ensure the security and accessibility of your data

Feel confident with Swydo’s scalable, secure, 24/7 monitored cloud solution. Only you have access to your data, users and templates, with multiple safeguards implemented to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your Swydo environment. This includes ID and password encryption, https and ssl, and user management tools that enable you to internally control data access and specific privileges.

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additional features

Swydo is customizable and built for your needs...

White label
White label

Customize reports, URL and email to reflect your brand and style.

Custom metrics
Embedded analytics

Incorporate Swydo within your own systems or other applications, such as your website, company intranet or client portal.

Client management
User management

Control which team members have access to what data and features, improving the ability for teams to collaborate and work together while ensuring the data is secure.

Automated Reporting
Report scheduling

Automate your reporting process and schedule reports to send monthly, weekly, daily - whatever you and your organization requires.

Custom integrations
Custom integrations

Connect all your necessary data into Swydo to improve your reporting and decision making.

Custom Metrics

Combine two metrics from the same data source to calculate an entirely new custom metric.

Contact our sales team

Our sales would love to discuss with you the perfect solution for your reporting needs

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