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PPC reporting, Swydo

Swydo’s Reporting Platform Wins Dutch Search Award 2016

5 December 2016

In November 2016, in  Amsterdam, the Dutch Search Awards jury of 22 marketing experts selected Swydo as the winner in the category ‘Best Tools & Software” 2016.

The winners’ Dutch Search Awards 2016

Winner Dutch Search Awards 2016
Swydo wins The Dutch Search Awards in 2016 – Best Tools and Software 

“We are very pleased that Swydo has been recognized as a best-of-breed solution in reporting,” said Jeroen Maljers, CEO of Swydo. “This confirms the value of Swydo’s reporting and monitoring platform as a premium platform for digital agencies to address the market’s demand for better and more flexible reporting tools.”

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The Dutch Search Awards are designed to acknowledge industry excellence in search marketing. During the gala event, awards were presented to professionals, brands, and agencies across 16 categories. A portion of each entry ticket was donated to the children’s charity SOS Children’s Villages.

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