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Swydo has been with Zee Media since its inception. And it’s not going to change anytime soon.

Damien Furst, Team Leader


Location Paris and Strasbourg, France

Why Swydo

  • Increased productivity
  • Saves time
  • Easy to use
  • Custom reporting
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How Zee Media adds a personal touch to their reports

Zee Media is a team of 13 passionate webmarketing experts. In 2017, we achieved a turnover of one million euros. We are based in Strasbourg & Paris, and we work with all types of clients: from small & medium businesses to large companies or advertising agencies.

We master all the levers of webmarketing: so we talk about SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, as well as many other things. We are driven by a return on investment culture. Our ideas are concrete and the results quantifiable

We prove our skills by the satisfaction of our customers, but also by the certifications of our employees. We are in the top 10 of the most certified agencies in France. We will never say that we are the best, but we know how to up our game.


When the agency was created in 2015, we already had various types of clients, and we were in need of a reporting tool for them. As we were growing fast in terms of clients and therefore workrate, our problem was to find a tool capable of letting us create our own reports quickly, with relevant key performance indicators and the possibility to import data from all the levers we use. As we work with many partners and web marketing tools, we also needed to be able to add manual indicators, but presented professionally like the bigger tools such as Google AdWords, Facebook Ads or Bing Ads.

What we were expecting was something to allow us to make reports easily understandable for our clients, either webmarketing knowledgeable or beginner.


With Swydo, we found a tool able to synchronize data from many levers, centralize them in a single document and automate this process. Using Swydo also improved the precision of the information presented in our reports. When creating reports manually, mistakes could be made. But since we’ve been using Swydo, we never see incorrect data – it helps us avoid making mistakes.

What pleases us the most with Swydo is the fact that we can personalize our documents as we want and add manual KPIs if the tool doesn’t offer them yet. We can choose the type of graphic we want to use to show a piece of information to our client: a table, a pie chart, a bar chart, or a line chart. We can also easily choose the period and compare it with a visual arrow. It simplifies the understanding of KPIs for our clients, even those who don’t know much about web marketing.

To put it in a nutshell, Swydo is a fast and precise reporting tool that helped us through the years by allowing us to send recurring and/or punctual reports with relevant and various information.

Want to learn how Swydo can help you gain meaningful marketing insights while saving you time through reporting automation? Get in touch with us and sign up for a demo or free trial!

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