We got a good review from Glacial Multimedia on Swydo. Obivously we’re very happy with this and want to share it with the world.
Swydo Review
I work for a company that specializes in online marketing for medical practices. I personally manage Google AdWords and Microsoft Ad Center accounts about 60 clients – a quickly growing list, as our clients start to see the value in SEM.
As you can imagine, I used to dread the first of the month. It meant manually composing keyword reports from Google and Bing, placing them in separate Excel documents and sending out them individually with a brief monthly breakdown. This took hours of my time and alongside my daily tasks, would take me several days to fully complete.
Swydo not only eliminates the majority of that tedious work, it also eliminates the frustration. Not only can I quickly compile monthly reports for our clients, I can customize them to meet a specific clients needs. I can automate reports to send on the first of each month, and make them look as if they’re coming from my email, complete with signature. And perhaps more importantly, we can present so much more useful information in a fraction of the time.
Swydo has some clever features that I simply love. The use of ‘Widgets’ lets me combine elements from AdWords, Bing and Analytics in one report. Not only that, but the amount of placable Widgets and KPI elements is huge and constantly growing. They make it easy to edit templates on a client by client basis, so each client can get the exact information they need or want. You can even use your own colors and logo to make a report tailored to your agency.
Finding the “right” reporting solution took us a long time. We’ve tested many – MySEO tool, Raven Tools, Aquisio & NinjaCat – to name a few. Most have their pros and cons, but in my opinion, none come close to Swydo, either in terms of price, ease of use, functionality or customer support. It does everything we need and more – and more functionality is added all of the time.
To put it simply: Thanks to Swydo, I no longer dread monthly reporting. It saves me literally days of work on a monthly basis, and my clients find the reports extremely useful. I strongly recommend Swydo to anyone looking to both save time on reports and impress their clients.