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Features, PPC reporting, Swydo

Date range comparison and new beautiful KPI’s now in Swydo

13 August 2013

Date range comparison

It was the most requested feature by our users: compare two date ranges in the reports and this has arrived as of today!

We introduce date range comparison in the KPI’s. After adding some KPI’s like clicks or conversion rate you can select a comparison with the previous period, the same period last year or a custom period.

A beautiful and elegant comparison will be shown simply by a small arrow up or down and the percentage of the delta compared to the previous period. The comparison gives a lot of extra insight in the performance of your campaigns.

New KPI’s
Next to the date range comparison feature we implemented a complete overhaul of the KPI’s. Now you can set a target and make this a threshold ‘Greater than’, ‘Equal to’ and ‘Less than’ . ‘Greater than’ can be used for KPI’s like Conversions, ‘Equal to’ can be used for KPI’s like Cost and ‘Less than’ can be used for KPI’s like Bounce Rate. This results in 3 optional visualization methods: a circle giving insight if a ‘Greater than’ target has been reached, a horizontal bar showing if you are on spot with an ‘Equal to’ target and a Thermometer visualization showing how you are doing with your ‘Less than’ targets. We this new feature we also introduce our new Target Icon : 

You can set the targets in the new setting feature of the KPI’s. In this new settings feature you can also see the KPI details, change the Data Source, select Search, Display or Individual campaigns or remove the KPI. We migrated your already set targets to these new setting.

These two new features are another step in staying the best reporting and workflow tool for online marketers.

Please use the Date Range Comparison and New KPI’s in your Swydo and make even more beautiful and insightful reports.