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Introducing Dynamic Report Templates.

24 November 2015

We just released a major new feature in Swydo: Dynamic Report Templates (DRT) for your online marketing reports. Update hundreds of reports in just a few clicks. A great enhancement for Swydo: online marketing reporting, monitoring and workflow.

This will save time!

Dynamic Report Templates are not just templates, they are online marketing report templates on steroids. With DRTs you can create a customized report, type a summary and send it to your clients with a personalized message within 60 seconds: see the demo below.

The great thing about DRTs is that the connection between the template and the associated reports can persist. After having created hundreds of reports, a simple change of your DRT will update them all for you!

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We’ve already prepared some DRTs for you to get started, but of course you can create your own.

Enjoy the power of the Dynamic Report Templates now.

Jeroen from Swydo

Take me to the DRTs!